Choir fees are invoiced via email, from our “MyMusicStaff” website. They may be paid online via paypal, or by etransfer to gaudeamus@cogeco.ca. Security question information is included on electronic invoice.
Sibling Discounts are available.
Bursaries are available for families in need.
AGES 5 & 6 (SK & Grade 1) Singers meet in small groups for 40 minutes, once per week
Registration Options - Singers can register for one six week program at a time, or for the full fall term.
6 Week Fall Program A $70. begins 3rd week of September
6 Week Fall Program B $70. begins first week of November
6 Week Winter Program A $70. begins first week of January
6 Week Winter Program B $70. begins first week of March
12 Week Fall Program $125.
12 Week Spring Program $125.
Supplies Required for Choir:
Music Maker T-shirt - casual uniform (blue for girls, red for boys) $10.
Gaudeamus Music Bag & Folder – included with registration
Concert Uniform – details available at singing interview
AGES 7 through 13 - Singers meet for 75 minutes, once a week
Level 1 - Andante
Level 2 - Animato
Registration Fee Upon enrolment: $50.
Monthly Fee: $30. per month, September through April.
Payable in one installment of $240, two installments $120, or 8 monthly payments of $30.
Supplies Required for Choir:
Gaudeamus Golf Shirt (casual uniform) $25.
Gaudeamus Music Bag & Binder – included with registration
A Young Singers Journey Workbook - $20.
Concert Uniform – details available at singing interview
Ages 13 through 18
Registration Fee Upon enrolment: $75.
Fee Structure for the Senior Choir program is changing, check back in August for details.
Supplies Required for Choir:
Gaudeamus Golf Shirt (blue for girls, red for boys) $25. new (used may be available)
A Young Singers Journey Workbook - $20. if moving to new level
Gaudeamus Music Bag & Binder – included with registration
Music Deposit Fee: $50. per singer, dated for May 10, 2018. This will only be cashed if your child’s music is not returned by May 10th, or is returned in poor condition.
Choir Uniforms – see Uniform Information Sheet
Fees are invoiced via email, from our “MyMusicStaff” website. They may be paid online via paypal, or by etransfer to gaudeamus@cogeco.ca. For security question use ‘What is my child’s name?’